We all know that excessive exposure to sunshine and UV rays causes premature skin aging, but what about overexposure to...
When we reach a certain age, many of us look in the mirror and lament all the things...
The search for younger looking skin is a complex business. Experts say we’ll spend about $333 billion a...
We all want to look good. The only way we can radiate true health and feel alive is...
Women and men with clear, beautiful skin aren’t just winners in the genetic lottery – they all have...
It's said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. The same could almost be said about...
Because the skin around the eyes is different and more delicate than the skin on the rest of...
Your skin is your largest and one of the most valuable organs in your body. Though seldom life-threatening,...
Okay, hands up...who wants glowing, flawless skin? Most of us want the type of skin we can be...
"What are parabens?" Well, they are chemicals used as preservatives in almost every cosmetic product across the world....
With the aging process, changes occur in the body. When it comes to the skin, these changes can...
Our skin is very unique because its an indicator of its own health, as well as reflects its...
