The Connection Between a Candida Infection and Weight Gain

Don’t underestimate the detrimental effects of this normally benign yet incredibly opportunistic yeast. Candida can quickly grow out of control and cause a major imbalance in your system. You just may not be aware of it.

If there is one type of yeast that has a well-deserved bad reputation, it’s candida.

What is candida overgrowth?

Candida overgrowth is the common term used for an overgrowth of the yeast candida albicans, it is also known as a candida imbalance.

Under normal circumstances, and in the body of healthy individual, candida albicans will pose no threat and it is simply part of the many microbes that live in the digestive tract and other parts of the body including the mouth, vagina and often the moist areas of the skin.

The problem is that candida is always on the lookout for a way to multiply and it will jump at the first opportunity to do so. It is also very clever and will build forts (biofilms) around communities of candida to keep them safe. If the other bacteria and microbes that live in your body are unable to keep candida in check, you will quickly have an overgrowth and a host of uncomfortable symptoms to go with it.

Common symptoms of candida overgrowth

Unfortunately many people are unaware that they even have candida overgrowth. Their symptoms are often wide-ranging, perplexing and seemingly unrelated, it can be difficult to pin down and diagnose. In the busyness of our day-to-day lives we may not connect a bout of toenail fungus with recurrent headaches, a touch of brain fog and some sinus issues. But it can all be related to candida overgrowth.
